Sunday, January 24, 2021

Woodrow Wilson led the U S. into WWI. He also waged war on democracy at home : NPR

Angry workers launched a wave of strikes against both the wage freeze and the conscription proposal. Nevertheless, the result was very disruptive and it has been estimated that between 1914 and 1918 there were 1,945 industrial disputes, resulting in 8,533,061 working days being lost and a £4,785,607 deficit in wages. The war validated Canada's new world role, in an almost-equal partnership with Britain in the Commonwealth of Nations.

The industrial base was too small to provide adequate amounts of modern equipment, and the old-fashioned rural base did not produce much of a food surplus. The war stalemated with a dozen indecisive battles on a very narrow front along the Isonzo River, where the Austrians held the high ground. In 1916, Italy declared war on Germany, which provided significant aid to the Austrians. Some 650,000 Italian soldiers died and 950,000 were wounded, while the economy required large-scale Allied funding to survive. ​Another common impact of the home fronts of World War I was the impacts for women.


The Women’s History Network is a national association and charity for the promotion of women’s history and the encouragement of everyone interested in women’s history. ​Finally, citizens on the home front were impacted when their governments decided to draft or conscript soldiers for war. This means that the government had passed laws making military service mandatory. Countries did this in order to increase numbers in the armed service in the hopes of making the final advance towards victory and to bring an end to the fighting in World War I. The home front was a major aspect of World War I and played a key role in the history and significance of the war.

world war 1 at home

The government imposed high wage scales, as well as collective bargaining and insurance schemes. For example, the workforce at the Ansaldo munitions company grew from 6,000 to 110,000 workers as it manufactured 10,900 artillery pieces, 3,800 warplanes, 95 warships and 10 million artillery shells. Discontent was high in rural areas since so many men were taken for service, industrial jobs were unavailable, wages grew slowly and inflation was just as bad.

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In 1916, a military hospital in Tipperary had the capacity to treat 4,000 convalescing soldiers before they were deemed well enough to return to the front. Kate Adie tells the story of the women and men who produced the millions of shells needed for trench warfare. They worked at factories susceptible to explosions from a single spark, with catastrophic consequences.

world war 1 at home

South Africa had a military role in the war, fighting the Germans in East Africa and on the Western Front. Public opinion in South Africa split along racial and ethnic lines. The British elements strongly supported the war and comprised the great majority of the 146,000 white soldiers. Afrikaners were split, with some like Prime Minister Louis Botha and General Jan Smuts taking a prominent leadership role in the British war effort. Their pro-British position was rejected by many rural Afrikaners who favoured Germany and who launched the Maritz Rebellion, a small-scale open revolt against the government. Many urban blacks supported the war, expecting it would raise their status in society, others said it was not relevant to the struggle for their rights.

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In fact, we can even say this is sort of the Trumpiest period of American history before Trump. Palmer was campaigning for president on the platform of mass deportations, as was the leading candidate on the Republican side, General Leonard Wood, who was also promising to deport people in large numbers. And this was something that sort of filled the air in that presidential campaign leading up to the nominating conventions in 1920. This article explores British conceptions of combatant courage during the First World War as understood by the civilian population on the home front and the junior officers and men who bore the brunt of the fighting on the Western Front. Drawing on often overlooked sources that shed light on troop culture, it argues that while neither group rejected the pre-war paradigm, each embraced a conception of courage that was informed by its own distinctive needs and experiences. Chivalry and dignified self-sacrifice resonated strongly with civilians who suffered unprecedented levels of bereavement and understood their nation’s role in the war as righteous and just.

world war 1 at home

Germany increasingly took control, and Bulgarian relations with its ally the Ottoman Empire soured. The Allied offensive in September 1918 destroyed the remnants of Bulgarian military power and civilian morale. By that month's end Bulgaria signed an armistice, giving up its conquests and its military hardware. The Treaty of Neuilly-sur-Seine in 1919 stripped Bulgaria of its conquests, reduced its army to 20,000 men, and demanded reparations of £100 million.

The Experience of Soldiers in All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque

These women took jobs in factories that produced the weapons of war. As well, they worked in in office buildings and other positions. This new role for women occurred at the same time as popular feminist and suffrage movements across North America and Europe wherein women fought for and won the right to vote in general elections. This was a transformative event in the history of these countries and seriously affected the home fronts of many countries involved in World War I. ​In order to promote rationing and other initiatives, the governments of the time used propaganda to convince citizens of certain messages. Propaganda is a form of political messaging that promotes certain initiatives and other government sponsored goals.

London provided assurances that it would underwrite a large amount of the war risk insurance for shipping to allow trade amongst the Commonwealth nations to continue. London imposed controls so that no exports would wind up in German hands. The British government protected prices by buying Australian products, even though the shortage of shipping meant that there was no chance that they would ever receive them. David Lloyd George became prime minister in December 1916 and immediately transformed the British war effort, taking firm control of both military and domestic policy. In Glasgow, the heavy demand for munitions and warships strengthened union power. There emerged a radical movement called "Red Clydeside" led by militant trades unionists.


Operation Linebacker II saw more than 200 American B-52 bombers fly 730 sorties and drop over 20,000 tons of bombs on North Vietnam over a period of 12 days in December 1972. Give Yourself Than An HourYou may be anxious to drive through Gettysburg's battle fields, but you don't want to miss going through the museum. I never thought so much could be packed into a small space but they made it happen! They have a ton of presidential items, and a lot of war relics.

world war 1 at home

However, British historians no longer emphasize the granting of woman suffrage as a reward for women's participation in war work. Pugh argues that enfranchising soldiers primarily and women secondarily was decided by senior politicians in 1916. In the absence of major women's groups demanding for equal suffrage, the government's conference recommended limited, age-restricted women's suffrage. More generally, Searle argues that the British debate was essentially over by the 1890s, and that granting the suffrage in 1918 was mostly a byproduct of giving the vote to male soldiers.

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